What Do Pastors Do All Week?

I get that one questoin all the time…  from my parents, from my parent’s friends, from my friends and even from other Pastors!  If you’re a Pastor, you know the question,

“What do you do all week?” 

It’s somewhat understandable.  Most people that I interact with only see me one day a week.  I get why they think Pastors only work one day a week.

Some people think that Pastors spend all week long preparing their message for Sunday.  I guess some Pastors might actually do that, but not this one.  Being a church planter tends to be a bit different than your typical Pastor, but I’d bet it’s not much.  I’d say most Pastors spend most of the week dealing with the 3 Ms.  Meetings, Money and Members.  But don’t let that fool you.  We have a lot of fun as well!  Especially this guy.  It’s really the dream job.

That being said, I’m considering venturing into the Vlogging world.  Over the next few months, I’ll be experimenting with various videos and social media outlets.  I’m hoping this will be one as well, so tune in and find out what this Pastor really does all week!


3 thoughts on “What Do Pastors Do All Week?

  1. Marie says:

    Pastor Eric, There is no doubt you are a busy Bee doing God’s work being a fisher men and sharing the love of Christ. You are a great pastor.
    I was so sorry to hear your mom passed and is with the Lord. Even though you know she is with Him, it is still very sad that she is not here with you 😢 I will pray for you and your family.
    May God Bless You Always 🙏🏻❤️
    Marie Staffiero

  2. team4given says:

    Thank you Marie! That was a tough season, but God is good!

    Hey Shane, I’m sorry I’m just getting to this. After Life or Debt we planted Convergence Community Church. Initially, we remained at Staci’s parent’s house, held our initial church meetings there, and bought a house nearby. We’re still Pastoring Convergence and loving every minute of it.

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